Let’s burn stuff with lasers.
Constructively, of course.
If you’ve ever had the desire to troubleshoot almost every single facet of a project, read through decade old forums on defunct or discontinued products and software, fly by the seat of your pants with dangerously high currents and voltage, all the while setting up efficient water cooling and fume extraction devices in your basement, maybe you should try building your own budget laser cutter.
The cutter was made in collaboration (and funding) with Golden Fly Shop.
Build information:
50W CO2 Laser Tube
350mm x 150mm workspace
Adjustable Z-axis
Lightobject Commercial cutter and stepper controller
high speed stepper motors
Custom chilled water cooling loop
Efficient fume extraction
Inside of cutter, 350x150mm workspace, adjustable z-axis bed, high airflow integrated lense nozzle.
Current wiring situation: an absolute rats nest. But in chaos there is always order.
LightObject Controller interface.
The K40 laser cutter with added extension to allow for 1M long laser tube.
Water chiller connected to HomeDepot bucket reservoir.